Sensible Tips You Can Use For Drying Your Water-Damaged Building

water damaged cielingWater damage can very literally wreck a building. Beyond the obvious, it can cause subtle structural issues and mold that you may not discover right away — unless you know what to look for. Just when you think things are getting back to normal, a new wave of problems associated with water damage could be coming your way if you don’t make sure the damage is corrected in the right ways.

Looking around a home or office building and finding it completely submerged below several inches of water as in the case of flood damage is very upsetting. But it can be just as bad to find what looks like minor water damage from a leaky roof, malfunctioning appliance or other problems. That’s because damage that appears minor can still cause mold growth, structural problems with your building materials and more.

Mold and mildew are perhaps the worst consequences of water damage because mold comes in many varieties and can be toxic. As long as favorable conditions for mold growth are present — including moderately warm temperatures and moisture — it will continue to spread actively until action is taken to clear it away. And bleach does little more than decolorize it. It doesn’t completely kill the mold and get rid of the problem.

The first step in dealing with water damage at your San Diego home or commercial building is determining the extent of the problem. Beyond what is obvious, a water damage restoration company like Orange Restoration determines where hidden damage is present so you can make sure your home or office is completely dried out, not just dried and cleaned on the surface. Water damage can seep deeper into the structure of a home than most people realize.

Then, the most likely first step in water damage restoration is the use of industrial fans to help dry the home. In most cases, appliances that generate a great deal of heat and raise the temperature of a home aren’t used because they can encourage mold growth. It may be necessary to uninstall or remove some building materials to achieve complete drying.

Next, an assessment for mold will be performed. If mold is present, the mold remediation process will begin. If not, the home or building is ready to reoccupy once the area with the water damage is completely dry. Some furnishings as well as soft, absorbent portions of the building like carpeting may have to be replaced, but quick water damage assistance can often save most or perhaps even all of these items.

Water damage from a flood or from another source is the worst nightmare of just about any homeowner or commercial building owner, but it’s possible to get things under control and get back to using the building as intended. To do that, however, you need the assistance of a professional water damage restoration company like us that can make sure the structure is dried properly and completely.

For water damage restoration in San Diego, the smart choice is Orange Restoration. You can depend on us to do the job right.



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